Some of these provisions go further , prohibiting indemnification where the director or officer pays a settlement amount . See | 1402 . 11406 Advancement of Expenses ... Law & 145 ( e ) ; 805 ILCS 5 / 8.75 ( e ) ; N.Y. Bus . Corp.
104-369 ( 11-28-95 ) . Thus , the Eleventh Circuit stated that forward - looking statements are not actionable simply because the company did not disclose all adverse conditions that could possibly affect its performance . Harris v .
Responsibilities of Corporate Officers and Directors Under Federal Securities Law alerts board members and management to their personal duties and liabilities under the federal securities laws. From the vast body of federal laws, rules
Responsibilities Of Corporate Officers And Directodirectors Under Federal Securities Law 2003-2004
New material in the 2017 -2018 Edition includes new or expanded discussions of: Dodd-Frank's whistleblower provisions, including the contentious issue of whether a whistleblower need report to the SEC in order to be protected against ...
The 2010 -2011 Edition includes new discussion of the following: Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act Shareholder access to proxies SEC enforcement Recent case law on fraud liability Proxy disclosure concerning Chairman ...
Responsibilities of Corporate Officers & Directors Under Federal Securities Laws, 1997
This book alerts board members and management to their personal duties and liabilities under the federal securities laws.
A company's reimbursement of its officers and directors for liability and costs sustained by them in carrying out their corporate duties. Generally, the courts have held that the federal securities laws prohibit companies from ...
The 2008 -2009 Edition includes a new chapter on executive compensation, including discussion of the compensation disclosure tables, CD&A narrative disclosure, stock options, tax considerations under Section 162(m) and 409A, and perks.