Explanation of federal securities law and underlying regulations of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
Update on Amadio: When the Guarantee Is Not Enough
Umweltinformationsgesetz: Kommentar
本书从制度层面介绍了相关的研究和建议,包括课题概况,环境信息公开与公众参与者的国际经验,我国环境信息公开制度框架 ...
Environmental Law in British Columbia: Environmental Law Isn't a Specialized Subject Any More
This collection comprises eighteen contemporary articles on an often overlooked, but important, field of intellectual property law: trade secrets and undisclosed information.
This ... guide assists the intellectual property attorney in conducting a thorough review of all aspects of intellectual property and technology, accurately assessing and analyzing the risks and benefits associated with those intangible ...
This book is dedicated to the Law and Economics analysis of civil liability of securities underwriters, for the damage caused by material misstatements of corporate information by securities issuers.
IFRS 13, Fair Value Measurement
This book sheds light on all aspects of earnings claims, including defining what an earnings claim really is, the origins of its regulation under the franchise disclosure laws, how a franchisor should prepare an earnings claim, how a ...
Whether you are a mom-and-pop shop or an S&P 500 giant, your trade secrets are likely your company's most valuable property.