A close-up view of a pivotal year in American history focuses on 1831, a year that began with a solar eclipse and that included Nat Turner's rebellion, increasingly violent congressional debates over slavery and tariffs, religious revivalism, technological innovation, and Jackson's harsh policies toward Native Americans, all setting the stage for the coming Civil War. Reprint.
This edition tends to be the one most widely read now, although editions containing the original 1818 text are still published. Many scholars prefer the 1818 text, arguing that it preserves the spirit of Shelley's original publication.
The Neglected Period of Anti-slavery in America (1808-1831)
Studies the ways in which American slaves were able to create and maintain their values by nurturing family patterns, artistic expression, and community structure
The Southampton Slave Revolt of 1831: A Compilation of Source Material
The Whitin Machine Works Since 1831: A Textile Machinery Company in an Industrial Village
The recolonization of Negroes from Maryland to Liberia and other parts of Africa.
The veracity of the historical books of the Old Testament, from the conclusion of the Pentateuch, to the opening of the Prophets, argued from the undesing coincidences to be found in them, wilen compared in therir several parts: being a ...
The Black Hawk War, 1831-1832