This work meets a long-standing need in the helping professions by being the first and only comprehensive book on how counselors and psychotherapists can work with clients around values, goal-setting, decision-making and action planning.
Examines the theories of values and methods of teaching and using values in schools
Reviews theory and current research in value clarification, explains designs for workshops and classes, advises on introducing value clarification into school curricula, and surveys past, present, and prospective developments in...
"This book assists both new and seasoned nurse educators in creatively applying pedagogical theory in the classroom.
In this volume, leading international social science researchers explore nine national case studies to identify the institutional determinants of variation in school discipline, the possible links between school environments and student ...
The same is true with this cognitive versus affective learning controversy . Many teachers who have taught the value clarification process without first discussing it with other decision makers in the school system have come under ...
Effective group leadership techniques are the focus of this practical, sound volume.
( Value Clarification as Learning Process Sourcebook ) . An important element in Moral Recovery is the process of learning through observation . Dreams , models , and idols are brought about by the conditions in the environment which ...