A popular, non-technical treatment of masculine psychology from a Jungian perspective.
I was there to be part of the trainer's team for a two-week personal development seminar hosted by peak performance expert and America's highest-paid motivational speaker Tony Robbins. During his introductory speech to us seminar ...
Steve Harvey, the host of the nationally syndicated Steve Harvey Morning Show, can't count the number of impressive women he's met over the years, whether it's through the "Strawberry Letters" segment of his program or while on tour for his ...
I will continue to recommend this book as a "must read." —Gary Chapman, bestselling author of The 5 Love Languages® Pam and Bill Farrel have the ability to take an everyday menu of spaghetti and waffles and transform biblical, practical ...
"A man will date you, sleep with you, even enter into a relationship, but you are not what he really wants.
An executive vice president of CNN shares her revealing insights into the "good ol' boy network," arming women with the tools they need to succeed in a man's world. Reprint.
Men are weird and can behave like apes. A man can change his mind overnight and lose interest, just like that. I wrote this book to share the hard truth with you, so you can 'see' and understand why he does what he does.
John Brinckerhoff Jackson , A Sense of Place , A Sense of Time ( New Haven : Yale University Press , 1994 ) , 190-91 . Also suggestive is Jackson's Discovering the Vernacular Landscape ( New Haven : Yale University Press , 1984 ) ...
Clear, candid, and empowering, Date Like a Man makes the manhunt fun -- the way it should be. Even if you think you're a dating expert, you'll devour this manual -- the new bible for surviving and thriving in today's world.
This book is designed for all of the gorgeous single girls to compare something that they know and love - Shoes, to something they they love, but often don't understand so well - Men!
Discover how men and women perceive the world differently and why they won't agree on the colour or shape of the sofa!