Finely crafted homilies for each Sunday of ordinary time Cycle B, along with a reflective introduction on the theology of the Word.
SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT , YEAR A Are We There Yet ? ? Genesis 12 : 1-4 A little boy was riding with his father from New Mexico to Colorado on a fishing trip . The trip covered 250 miles , a good five hours of driving — not counting rest ...
The first period is that from 1520 to 1527 when Luther himself wrote out his sermons and generally prepared them for the printer. The second period is that form 1527 to 1535 when the work of Rodt as editor is prominent.
Preaching at the Parish Communion: ASB Epistles - Sundays, Year One
At Home with the Word 2013
To this simple man , whose people had been separated from any religious teaching for 150 years , the rule of the Pope was the distinguishing mark that identified the Catholic Church . Although not frequently discussed and more often ...
When the words great homily come to mind, the name Bill Bausch inevitably pops up.
Homilías Dominicales Y Festivas Para El Ciclo C, Siguiendo El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica Ervens Darío Mengelle ... “Es posible incluso en el mercado o en un paseo solitario, hacer una frecuente y fervorosa oración.
Jake Halpern is the author of the interesting book Fame Junkies . He tells about the time he was to appear on CNN precisely to talk about fame junkies but his appearance was canceled because of " breaking news . " The breaking news ?
What the Church needs now is not to cling to the male domination of the past but to pay attention to the tender and tough hearts of women so long ignored . What the Church needs now is not to cling to ...