A portrait of Jesuit spirituality examines its differences from other forms of Catholic spirituality, exploring the order's creative tensions between companionship and mission, obedience and learning from experience, and center and periphery in the Church.
The spiritual and psychological insights of these essays were nurtured in a monastic milieu, but their issues are universally human.
... William Johnston Mystical Journey: An Autobiography (Orbis Books USA 2006) p 154 54 53 Prior to the Second Vatican Council, spirituality was dominated by 72 73 Chapter Eight – The Coincidence of Opposites.
Anne Colby, Thomas Ehrlich, William M. Sullivan, and Jonathan R. Dolle observe that instrumental thinking currently dominates undergraduate business education, wherein “every course isjudged by its apparent value as a means toward ...
A practical manual that is a guide to taking the Christian life into the world while keeping the contemplative spirit. +
Contemplation and Action in World Religions: Selected Papers from the Rothko Chapel Colloquium "Traditional Modes of Contemplation and Action"
After giving a password, we were let in to a dimly lit bar, which was in the guise of a private detective agency named Wilson and Wilson. The bottles lined the wall like library books, four shelves high, requiring a ladder to reach them ...
The American trappist monk outlines means of reorganizing monastic life to meet the needs of contemporary man
Bringing together various traditions from the East and West, this thought-provoking work summarizes the history of each practice, highlights classic and emerging research proving its power, and details how each practice is performed.
[back] Pope Francis, The Name of God Is Mercy: A Conversation with Andrea Tornielli (New York: Penguin Random House, 2016), xviii. [back] 20. Joseph A. Tetlow, SJ, Making Choices in Christ: Foundations of Ignatian Spirituality 21. 22.
SIXTEEN STORIES: Contemplatives in Action is a collection of sixteen remarkable short stories of imaginary events, people, and places invented based on the most random of life's encounters and observations.