In this brief but staggering two-act, playwright Norris demonstrates his skill at drawing out the dark truth that lurks beneath the surface of the “perfect” family. His crackling satire takes dead aim at the self-satisfied, left-leaning American upper-middle class and its many self-delusions. On a winter afternoon, Kelly and Clay—an attractive, prosperous, seemingly happy couple with a four-year-old daughter and a newborn baby—must explain to a visitor the events of the previous Thanksgiving, on which, so it seems, someone or something had been gnawing at the avocados on their kitchen table. In the course of this holiday gathering—attended by Clay’s mother, a well-meaning but clueless first-grade teacher who spouts pointless liberal bromides; his brother, a plastic surgeon with a nihilistic streak and a taste for martinis; and his brother's girlfriend, a sexy Balkan immigrant with a love for all things American (racism included)—the recent past is unearthed along with revelations of failed marriages, fraternal hatred, infidelity and venereal disease, in the form of their daughter’s nasty genital infection. And it’s a comedy. As the story is gradually unfolded to their visitor, a Muslim cab driver, his relationship to the events becomes increasingly clear, as does the emptiness of the family’s supposed benevolence and sensitivity. With its crashing emotion and cutting humor, this vicious dissection of the comfortable progressive life lays bare the lies that people use to feel righteous even as they veer off a genuinely ethical path.
Gamst-Jensen H, Vedel PN, Lindberg-Larsen VO, Egerod I. Acute pain management in burn patients: appraisal and thematic analysis of four clinical guidelines. Burns. 2014;40(8):1463-1469. 18. Gauffin E, Oster C, Gerdin B, ...
Composed of contributions from distinguished researchers around the world, the book explores topics such as: Neuropathic itch Peripheral neuronal mechanism of itch The role of PAR-2 in neuroimmune communication and itch Mrgprs as itch ...
This book provides a comprehensive review of the latest advances in translational pain and itch research, and presents the cutting-edge developments in the study of our two principal, yet most mysteries sensations.
Find relief from chronic itch in this comprehensive guide.
first clear identification of discrete structures within the human brain capable of exerting itch suppressions upon opioid activation. Another study assessed the effect of acupuncture on itch-evoked activation and demonstrated reduced ...
Neurobiological Mechanism of Acupuncture for Pain and Itch
Mast Cells in Itch, Pain and Neuro-inflammation
"Set in western equatorial Africa, The Unmentionables opens with a pugnacious monologue warning the audience to get out while they still have a chance to do something really fun - like watch cable television.
To our knowledge, this is the first profiling effort that broadened its focus beyond the skin to look at the important, itch-facilitating contribution of sensory neurons.
There is a long debate about how somatic sensations including touch, pain, itch, and temperature sensitivity are encoded by the nervous system. Research suggests that each sensory modality is processed along a fixed, direc