Although Kant was involved in the education debates of his time, it is widely held that in his mature philosophical writings he remained silent on the subject. In her groundbreaking Kant’s Conception of Pedagogy, G. Felicitas Munzel finds extant in Kant’s writings the so-called missing critical treatise on education. It appears in the Doctrines of Method with which he concludes each of his major works. In it, Kant identifies the fundamental principles for the cultivation of reason’s judgment when it comes to cognition, beauty, nature, and the exercise of morality while subject to the passions and inclinations that characterize the human experience. From her analysis, Munzel extrapolates principles for a cosmopolitan education that parallels the structure of Kant’s republican constitution for perpetual peace. With the formal principles in place, the argument concludes with a query of the material principles that would fulfill the formal conditions required for an education for freedom.
This 2007 volume contains all of Kant's major writings on human nature.
The Educational Theory of Immanuel Kant
All of the essays contained within this volume will examine either Kant’s ideas on education through an historical analysis of his texts; or the importance and relevance of his moral philosophy, political philosophy, and/or aesthetics in ...
Kant - Studien Ergänzungshefte . Berlin : Walter de Gruyter , 1991 . Laursen , John Christian . The Politics of Skepticism in the Ancients , Montaigne , Hume , and Kant . New York : E. J. Brill , 1992 . " The Subversive Kant : The ...
The essays in this volume, by international Kant scholars and moral philosophers, discuss Kant's philosophical development and his rejection of earlier moral theories, the role of happiness and inclination in the Groundwork, Kant's moral ...
We know that we have a duty to “influence pos- terity [so] that it becomes ever better,” so we must presuppose the possibility of such progress. To be clear, it does not yet seem that Kant is making the claim in the essay on “Theory and ...
In Kant’s Worldview: How Judgment Shapes Human Comprehension, Rudolf A. Makkreel offers a new interpretation of Immanuel Kant’s theory of judgment that clarifies Kant’s well-known suggestion that a genuine philosophy is guided by a ...
... Pedagogy : The Formation ( Bildung ) of Character Aims And Nature Of Pedagogy In General In attending to Kant's philosophy , to Kant as philosopher , it is tempting to treat Kant the educator under a separate heading , as a biographical ...
Seminar paper from the year 2012 in the subject Pedagogy - General, grade: 1,3, Technical University of Chemnitz, language: English, abstract: This paper discusses the topicality of Emanuel Kant's concept of education in relation to today, ...
tive and sentimental moral cosmopolitan theories, which goes beyond the binary opposition sketched in some accounts (see ... Rousseau tried to strike a balance between genuine moral cosmopolitanism and defensive republican patriotism, ...