Luisa and the Silence

Luisa and the Silence
Marlboro Press/Northwestern
Claudio Piersanti


Claudio Piersanti's spare novel observes the life of Luisa, an aging accountant for a toy factory. She is active, liked, utterly serene in her solitude and habits. But a series of changes challenges her. An outside world of noise and unknown callers intrudes, and, worse, Luisa must cope with the slow collapse of her health. This leads her to a fateful mistake: she retires. Soon she withdraws into total seclusion and alone must confront depression and dementia-and the ultimate silence that lies beyond.
Piersanti uses sharp detail and nuance to construct an everyday life. Luisa and the Silence is the portrait of an ordinary person, distinctive neither in her appearance nor in the depth of her thoughts. Avoiding any pretension to social criticism, Piersanti instead has created a daring novel whose main character simply is.

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