An easy-to-use source for librarians, students and other researchers, each volume in this series provides illustrated biographical profiles of approximately 75 children's authors and artists. This critically acclaimed series covers more than 12,000 individuals, ranging from established award winners to authors and illustrators who are just beginning their careers. Entries typically cover: personal life, career, writings, works in progress, adaptations, additional sources. A cumulative author index is included in each odd-numbered volume.While Gale strives to replicate print content, some content may not be available due to rights restrictions.Call your Sales Rep for details.
The essential entries from Dostoevsky's complete Diary, called his boldest experiment in literary form, are now available in this abridged edition; it is a uniquely encyclopedic forum of fictional and nonfictional genres.
... Kassel Lewis and Sylvia ( Surut ) . Religion : Jewish . Education : Harvard University , MA : BA , With Honors . Spouse : Linda Rannells ( m . 1951 , div . 1982 ) ; Margaret H. Marshall ( m . 1984 ) .
This volume contains more than 350 letters, the great majority of them previously unpublished, which are supplemented, as before, by scrupulous annotation and extensive cross-referencing; by a chronology covering the whole of Hardy's career ...
In The Camp Robber and Other Stories . Roslyn , New York : Walter J. Black , Inc. , 1979 . “ Tappan's Burro . ” In Tappan's Burro and Other Stories . New York : Simon and Schus. “ The Living Past . ” Zane Grey Collector 7.
Chronicles the life and career of American author Herman Melville, uncovering autobiographical elements in his diverse works, discussing the historical and cultural implications of his writing, and assessing his accomplishments as a writer.
Because of his Welsh name, Jenkins is often suggested as a model for Shakespeare's Welsh characters, particularly the schoolmaster Hugh Evans in The Merry Wives of Windsor; however his roots were not in Wales at all but in London and at ...
Quasimodo-Yeats Thomson Gale (Firm). The city is like a Dantesque hell , an alienating environment for everyone who happens to be trapped inside : At this point Quasimodo , having lost the initial enthusiasm of Giorno dopo giorno ...
Donaldson and a journalist, Newton S. Grimwood of the Chicago Evening Journal, disappeared in 1875 when a storm broke ... The invented narrator was a Gold Dust passenger, Mr. Harvey, who commences a ghoulish tale of entrapment in the ...
后期作品中贯穿着社会讽刺主题与高雅喜剧情调,主要描写战后那一代人愤世嫉俗与无忧无虑的人生态度。1937年沃第二次结婚,第二年发表他 ... 比金钱更有价值的光辉故居威廉·莎士比亚│William Shakespeare 从表面上看,美国马戏团老板费尼斯·巴纳姆(Phineas ...