Covering periodical title abbreviations in science, the social sciences, the humanities, law, medicine, religion, library science, engineering, education, business, art, and many other fields.
Schmidt and Apuzzo, “Officer Charged with Murder of Walter Scott. ... 12 years old when he was killed (Fortin and Bromwich, “Cleveland Police Officer Fired”), and Laquan McDonald was 17 years old (Husain, “Laquan McDonald Timeline”).
... .....................................48 9 Number of Title IV eligible, degree-granting institutions conferring degrees, by control of institution, level of degree, and field of study: 50 states and District of Columbia, 1996-97 ...
From Simon & Schuster, This Book Needs No Title is Raymond Smullyan's budget of living paradoxes—the author of What is the Name of This Book?
Amongst other anecdotes, this book tells that Lewis Carroll was the first to suggest that the dust jackets should carry the title of books, so "The Hunting of the Snark" was the first book to be published with a printed jacket.
Rahul Kanakia. A CORRECTION, RETRACTION, AND APOLOGY From the editors of The Huffington Post Several weeks ago, we were alerted to a well-publicized charge of plagiarism against a previous op-ed columnist, and we were motivated to begin ...
By Abbreviation
Kick-start creativity with this collection of fun-filled activities prompting kids to use and grow their imaginations from Jarrett Lerner, author of the EngiNerds, Geeger the Robot, and Hunger Heroes series!
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is the style manual of choice for writers, editors, students, and educators in the social and behavioral sciences, nursing, education, business, and related disciplines.