Provides access to reviews of children's books and periodicals that are indexed by Book Review Index.
Subject Guide to Books in Print: An Index to the Publishers' Trade List Annual
... Other Classic Rules for Single Women . LC 94-33737 . ( Illus . ) . 176p . 1994. pap . 9.95 ( 0-944042-35 - X ) ... Americans Workbook . ( Illus . ) . 52p . ( Orig . ) . 1994. pap . 12.95 ( 0-9625175-2-6 ) Oyate . Smith , Bill . The Bride's ...
Cumulations and annual supplements to 1996 . Biography Index : A Cumulative Index to Biographical Material in Books and Magazines . Vol . 1 ( 1946 ) to vol . 20 ( 1995 ) . New York : H. W. Wilson , 1947–1995 .
Unlike reviews on book-sale sites and the open Internet, many of the reviews are serious, academic works. This invaluable resource for literary and biographical research is essential for readers' advisory and collection development.
This classified annotated bibliography updates the standard sources needed by most small and medium-sized libraries for answering reference questions and improving collections. The brief, succinct annotations provide complete ordering information,...
... review included computerized on-line searches of MEDLINE (for January 1980 to September 1993), and the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) (for January 1983 to September 1993) using the key words homeless ...
American Book Publishing Record: ABPR cumulative
A list of German collections concerning the history of data processing. 3507 Marshall, Susan 0. ... 35 l l Cortada, James W.: Historical dictionary of data processing: organizations. Westport, CT: Greenwood 1987, 309 p.
The sixth edition "Essentials of Children's Literature" offers a concise, straightforward presentation of children's literature that engages students and motivates them to share literature with children. Written with a comprehensive,...
From its first edition the purpose of Walford has been to identify and evaluate the widest possible range of reference materials. No rigid definition of reference is applied. In addition...