For undergraduate or MBA courses in Supply Chain Management. Supply Chain Management: From Vision to Implementation takes a strategic, managerial, and cross-functional view of supply chain management,...
专业地做好采购,是众多采购人努力的目标,也是现代企业亟待解决的问题。 本书从采购的基础知识讲起,通过初识采购、采购计划的制定和执行、供应商管理、采购价格分析与采购成本管理、采购谈判与价格控制、采购品质管理与人员管理、采购订单处理与交期管理、采购运输和仓储与库存管理、采购合同管理9个部分的内容,教给读者采购相关的知识与技巧。
You'll find numerous valuable keys to success in virtually every area of purchasing management, expertly documented in this bestselling, on-the-job handbook. Whether you work in a one-person department or in...
Directions, charts, sample forms, and practical data aid purchasing agents in all areas of product acquisition and organization. Glossary. Bibliogs
Transport for Tourism assesses the effects of tourist travel and the challenges it poses for transport planners, providers and policy-makers in the 1990s. This book concerns the relationship between transport...
The Supply Management Leadership Process
鉴于中外零售业态有着本质性的差异,因此中外买手的实际工作职责、工作流程及方法也有着许多不同。本书以西方买手体系为参考,重点介绍符合我国实际国情的买手工作内容、方法及流程,以提高针对性与实用性。本书的再版是在首版的基础上,根据近五年来中国零售业态的变化,特别是互联网及品牌集合店的迅猛发展而做的补充。再版除增加了多种新型销售模式,还增加了“全球货源采购”,具体讲解如何在国内外采购不同类型品牌的产品,这是为了适应眼下“品牌集合店”模式的热潮。另外, 本版还补充了买手及关联部门间的合作及沟通问题。本书适合服装专业院校师生以及从事相关时装买手工作的职场人士使用。
Over the past few years purchasing and supply management has been increasingly accepted as a key area for the improvement of a companyÂ's competitive advantage. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management...
If you read one book about managing your supply chain, read this book. There has been a tremendous amount of energy focused on improving efficiencies within a business organization. The...