A guide to the information services and sources provided to 100 types of small business by associations, consultants, educational programs, franchisers, government agencies, reference works, statisticians, suppliers, trade shows, and ...
In this annual annotated guide, you'll discover 21,190 listings of live and print sources of information designed to facilitate the start-up, development and growth of specific small businesses, as well as more than 26,000 similar listings ...
Small Business Sourcebook: The Entrepreneur's Resource. General small business topics, general small business resources (includes state sections) (entries 42303-54366)
Small Business Sourcebook is published in two volumes: Volume 1 provides detailed entries on more than 27,000 live and print sources of information for 300 industries of interest to small businesses, ranging from accounting to word ...
A two-volume annotated guide to 26,670 listings of live and print sources of information designed to facilitate the start-up, development, and growth of specific small businesses, as well as 26,158 similar listings for general small ...
Small Business Sourcebook: The Entrepreneur's Resource
Small Business Sourcebook
Latest issue consulted: 36th ed. (1993).
Small Business Sourcebook: The Entrepreneur's Resource. Specific small business profiles, general small business topics (entries 17479-28658)