Subjects : 2659 - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - William H. Bates Linear Accelerator Center 21 Manning Rd . PO Box 846 Middleton , MA 01949 Ph : (617)253-9200 Fax : (617)253-9599 Email ...
pIn this vital resource you'll find research facilities and programs of the U.S. and Canadian federal governments. Listings include e-mail addresses, information on patents available for licensing and expanded coverage...
Government Research Directory
Lehmann, Walter M.: 25 Jahre Kernforschungs- zentrum Karlsruhe. 1956-1981, 1981; Gleitsmann-Topp, Rolf-Jürgen: Im Widerstreit der Meinungen. Zur Kontroverse um die Standortfindung für eine deutsche Reaktorstation (1950-1955).
Gardiner, J. “Excellence in Research: Creative Organizational Responses at Berkley, Harvard, MIT and Stanford,” paper ... Kazanjian, A., Helmer, and Wright. ... King, J. Morris, L and Taylor K. How to Assess Program Implementation.
Although once regarded as scientific and neutral policy research institutions committed to improving governmental decision-making, think-tanks in the United States have in recent decades, made a concentrated effort to become active ...
Government Research Directory: 3 Volume Set
Government Research Directory: Cabinet departments
Government Research Directory: 3 Volume Set
Government Research Directory: Master index