Reverse Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations Dictionary
This volume provides the same data in reverse to enable users to look up the full phrase and retrieve the abbreviated form. New terms from subject areas such as associations, education, the Internet, medicine and others are now included.
More than 862,000 definitions of a wide variety of acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations and similar contractions enable you to quickly and easily translate terms into their full names or meanings.
Reverse Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations Dictionary
Reverse Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations Dictionary
Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations Dictionary: A Companion Volume to Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations Dictionary, with Terms Arranged Alphabetically by Meaning...
A companion volume to Acronyms, initialisms & abbreviations dictionary, with terms arranged alphabetically by meaning of acronyms, initialism, or abbreviation.
Reverse Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations Dictionary
New Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations Dictionary: Acompanion Volume to Acronyms, Initialisms and Abbreviations Dictionary, with Terms Arranged Alphabetically by Meaning...
Reverse Acronyms, Initialisms and Abbreviations Dictionary