Abstracts from the 1st Annual EPSRC Manufacturing the Future Conference: 19th and 20th September 2012, Holywell Park Conference Centre, Loughborough...
Based on the first edition, the book has been updated with new material and new case studies including the service elements of manufacturing that reflect the author's ongoing programme of consultancy and research in this field.
Examines the industrial revolution that is occurring in the business world, and how new business strategies will determine the economic fate of nations in the next century.
Human genetics is the medical field with the most rapid progress. This book aims to provide an overview on some of the latest developments in several genetic diseases.
Working at Cross-purposes: How Distributors and Manufacturers Can Manage Conflict Successfully
1st International Conference on Manufacturing and Management Prasad K. D. V. Yarlagadda, S. Narayanan ... The authors conclude this paper claiming that in the absence of such a financial accounting system , no ZDM programme will be able ...
Provides answers to questions on a variety of topics, including "How are sneakers made?" "Where do pictures on TV come from?" "Are seashells alive?" "How are toys invented?" and "What are clouds?"
Trees give us yummy apples but also help us build houses. One of these is natural, the other man-made. Can you identify the natural resource?
This is an AV2 media enhanced book. A unique book code printed on page 2 unlocks multimedia content. This book comes alive with video, audio, weblinks, slide shows, activities, hands-on experiments, and much more. Book jacket.
"Trees give us yummy apples but also help us build houses. One of these is natural, the other man-made. Can you identify the natural resource?