This encyclopaedia, such as the Loch Ness monster, the Bermuda Triangle, Bigfoot, and UFOs, but also the scientists, investigators, witnesses, organizations, publications, theories, beliefs, and hoaxes associated with such occurrences.
Frontiers of Reality: Where Science Meets the Paranormal. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, England: Aquarian Press, 1989. Gaddis, Vincent H. Mysterious Fires and Lights. New York: David McKay Company, 1967. Havik, Leif.
Discusses the Bermuda Triangle, UFO's, the abominable snowman or Yeti, the Loch Ness monster, Bigfoot or Sasquatch, and many more.
This book systematically explores all aspects of the human fascination with the unknowable, from hauntings and the power of the mind, to physical mysteries such as lost civilizations, ancient superstitions and symbols, and the persistent ...
New mysteries, as well as variations on recurring ones, continue to surface on a weekly basis around the globe, from showers of frogs over Hungary to birds falling to earth in Arkansas.
Responding to the surging interest among students for information on topics relating to magic, witchcraft, the supernatural and other mysterious phenomena, Gale presents this in-depth, comprehensive 3-vol. set. Information is...
The Encyclopedia of the Paranormal contains over 90 articles by more than 50 experts on topics including the strictly paranormal (psychokinesis, channeling, levitation, astrology, phrenology, palmistry); the historical (mediums, psychic...
Melvin Harris, a researcher and broadcaster for the BBC, has written a fascinating expose of long-lived "psychic mysteries." Investigating the Unexplained examines many claims made by the proponents of the...
Monsters and shape-shifters have always held a special fascination in mythologies, legends, and folklore the world over.
“Those that might be carnivorous on the surface,” veteran New Age promoter Timothy Green Beckley reports in The Smoky God and Other Inner Earth Mysteries [1993], “now enjoy soy steaks.... Here you can romp with a Sabor [sic] Tooth Tiger ...
he April 23, 1897, edition of the Harrisburg, Arkansas, Modern News, provided the details of the otherworldly experience of former state senator Harris. Once the stranger was back on board the airship, Barclay stated, ...