Where to find help planning careers that require college or technical degrees.
Career profiles list general career guides, information and services provided by professional associations, standards and certification agencies, directories of educational programs and institutions, and titles of helpful books and ...
LIS Career Sourcebook: Managing and Maximizing Every Step of Your Career provides a chapter-by-chapter overview of key career stages and strategies, and identifies for each the best information resources to help readers develop a successful ...
This book also presents a vital body of data on organizational careers and a guide to further research that will be of great use both to occupational sociologists and to all those involved in the study of organizations.
In addition to job descriptions and contact information, you'll also find these features in the 5th edition: Fully updated contact/order information E-mail URL addresses Electronic Career Resources State Occupational and Professional ...
For most American workers, career change is now the rule, not the exception. The Career Training Sourcebook supplies these mobile employees - those anxious about job security or ambitious for...
This handy book is a valuable resource for helping readers decide on a career path, this sourcebook provides essential background information on the scope of human services and the essential aspects involved in choosing a career.
Career Sourcebook 1: A Guide to Career Planning and Job Hunting
Where to Find Employment Leads and Other Job Search Resources.
New Career Options for Women: A Counselor's Sourcebook