Unexplained! describes and analyzes some of history's most baffling events -- spontaneous human combustion, UFOs, phantom attackers, crop circles, werewolves and others. Neither supporting nor refuting any claims, Jerome Clark, a noted authority on the extraordinary, provides existing evidence, names eyewitnesses and investigators, briefs the reader on the possibility of hoaxes, assesses current thought about the phenomenon and discusses various theories.
“This triggering of the”: Ray Kurzweil, The Singularity Is Near (London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd., 2006). “a 2004 study conducted”: H. H. Ehrsson, C. Spence, and R. E. Passingham, “That's My Hand! Activity in Premotor Cortex Reflects ...
This book systematically explores all aspects of the human fascination with the unknowable, from hauntings and the power of the mind to physical mysteries such as lost civilizations, ancient superstitions and symbols, and the persistent ...
Collects information on various unexplained phenomena, including the Bermuda Triangle, the Lake Worth monster, and the hollow Earth theory.
Mysteries of the Unexplained
New mysteries, as well as variations on recurring ones, continue to surface on a weekly basis around the globe, from showers of frogs over Hungary to birds falling to earth in Arkansas.
( Omar V. Garrison , The Encyclopaedia of Prophecy , pp.77-78 ; Herbert B. Greenhouse , Premonitions : A Leap Into the ... When Brandt's photographs were developed - he had kept on shooting throughout the air raid - they showed nothing ...
The accompanying line drawings, specially prepared for this volume, highlight the noteworthy forensic evidence in each case.
The book is broken down into multiple sections, and delves into mysteries like: Who torched the Normandie in New York Harbor? Did a New Yorker ad warn of Pearl Harbor? Did Churchill have a “feeling” that saved his life?
Information on more than 400 subjects, from angels and herbalism to tarot and vampires.
Scientific Paranormal Investigation describes how logic, critical thinking, and scientific methodologies can be applied to mysterious or "unexplained" phenomena including ghosts, crop circles, miracles, Bigfoot, etc.