The first part of this two-part book on play in public education, contains chapters authored by 23 educators, most of whom had been colleagues or students of Professor Margaret B. McFarland to whose memory the book is dedicated, addresses the need to integrate child development research with classroom practice in order to provide developmentally appropriate play and learning opportunities. Topics addressed in this section include: the importance of play in child development; the role of children's play for three age groups; and the role of play in a second grade classroom. The second section examines the early childhood curriculum and the use of play as a vehicle of children's learning. Chapters in this section address: (1) the efficacy of activity-based learning in mathematics, multicultural education, and literature; (2) a checklist procedure for determining the capacity of students in a primary class to use play in the learning process; (3) intervention techniques that help young children adjust to school; (4) a play intervention case study; and (5) the broad implications of play in public education and in early childhood teacher education programs. Most chapters in the book contain a list of references relevant to the topic discussed. A 16- item bibliography of resources relating to play in public education is provided, and a brief description of the professional affiliations of the contributors is appended. (BC)
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In D. Strickland & L. M. Morrow ( Eds . ) , Emerging literacy : Young children learn to read and write ( pp . 16–26 ) . GOODMAN , K. ( 1986 ) . What's whole in whole language . Portsmouth , NH : : Heinemann . GOODMAN , K. ( 1991 ) .
Schaefer , E. S. A home tutoring program . Children , March - April , 1969 , 59-61 . Schaffer , H. R. , & Emerson , P. The development of social attachments in infancy . Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development ...
... < your name > in the body of the message Down Syndrome Quarterly ( online journal ) Down Syndrome Society of Southern Australia European Down Syndrome resources 235.
BRUUN , R. , SHAPIRO , A. , SHAPIRO , E. , SWEET , R. , WAYNE , H. , and SOLOMON , G. E. A follow - up of 78 patients with Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome , American Journal of Psychiatry , 1976 , 33 ( 8 ) , 944 .
... 63 , 65 , 67 , 70 , 71 , 72 , 73 , 74 , 78 , 125 , 157 Rubin , L. , 143 Rudd , P. J. , 115 Ryan , K. , 125 Taft ... 113 , 114 Tzuriel , D. , 67 Vasquez - Nuttall , E. , 69 Vetter , L. , 144 Vondracek , F. W. , 156 , 161 Sabatelli ...
Kagan J : The Nature of the Child . New York , McGraw - Hill Book Co , 1984 . Knobloch H , Stevens F , Malone A : A Manual of Developmental Diagnosis : The Administration and Interpretation of the Revised Gesell and Amatruda ...
Repert, S.M. and Weaver, D.R. (2002) Coordination of circadian timing in mammals, Nature, 418: 935–41. Richardson, K. and Sheldon, S. (eds) (1989) Cognitive Development to Adolescence. Hove: Lawrence Erlbaum. Rizzolatti, G., Fadiga, L., ...
马登曾是《成功》杂志的第一撰稿人,那些一度深受其启迪的人后来相继成为该杂志的编辑,包括著名的拿破仑·希尔(Napoleon Hill)、W.克莱门·斯通(W. Clement Stone)、斯科特·德加摩(Scott DeGarmo)和理查德·坡(Richard Poe)等。像许多新思想拥护者那样, ...
害怕交往、不敢见人、不愿表达是许多孩子的通病,然而,这样的性格特点并不利于孩子的发展。家长们都希望孩子能开朗乐观、自信勇敢,但问题是,该如何培养这些特质呢?实际 ...