College instructors concerned about student writing quality are provided with information on writing in the content areas and writing across the curriculum. Following an overview of writing in the content area, the chapters focus on writing and learning--"workaday" writing (personalizing knowledge through writing, forms of workaday writing, other workaday forms, and workaday writing and inquiry learning); writing projects in the disciplines (assignment making and the writing process from assignment to writing); evaluating writing (evaluation in process, grading content writing, the issue of correctness, and a note on evaluation through writing); examples of content writing projects (the QUEST program, teaching science writing, thinking before writing in public relations, social action portfolio, landscape history, simulations and case studies, science dialogues, consumer reports, and interdisciplinary humanities); Writing across the Curriculum programs (Michigan Technological University, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, State University College of New York at Fredonia, The University of Michigan, and Montana State University); and faculty workshops (writing and teaching). Contains 106 reference. (SM)
Tested GOLD MEDAL WINNER only a few and proved Jowett training will bring WEEKS AGO ! " you new men and women Yriends , new popularity everywhere you go . ALL XO ! I don't care how skinny or llabSPORTS by you are , I'll make you OVER by ...
At whatever level of consciousness , this was Hurston's method of getting a predominantly white society to try on a different and African American subjectivity , one that appeals to the deepest of mythic archetypes .
Take , for example , the Comp - Lab modules , a self - paced workbook series with audiotapes that had enjoyed some popularity in writing centers before computers ( see Epes 1979 ; Epes , Kirkpatrick , and Southwell 1983 ; Baker and ...
Is scientific theory really just a matter of persuasion? Do scientists merely invent rather than discover? Do scientists merely invent rather than discover? Indeed, do brute facts of nature gain meaning only within a rhetorical context?
A Cultural Moment in Composition Brent Henze, Jack Selzer ... Studies of Writing Program Administration: Individuals, Communities, and the Formation of a Discipline, edited by Barbara L'Eplattenier and Lisa Mastrangelo (2004).
This volume samples a broad range of literature from the ancient world.
After a couple of minutes , think about what you might write down first . Don't start writing yet . Let your thoughts expand and build for a few minutes . STEP 3. ... It is a little like starting a car by rolling it down a hill .
The revised and enlarged third edition of Zinsser's trusted writing guide covers the principles of good writing while including information on technical, business and sports writing, humor, interviews, working with...
Appropriate for Introduction to Literature courses, second-semester Freshman Composition courses. This new text takes an interpretations approach to literature and its elements. Covering the genres of short fiction, poetry, and...