Teacher Evaluation: Five Keys to Growth

Teacher Evaluation: Five Keys to Growth
Education / Evaluation & Assessment
NEA Professional Library, National Education Association
Richard J. Stiggins, Daniel Linden Duke


This guide, written for teachers and administrators wishing to introduce evaluation systems that promote continued teacher growth and enhance school effectiveness, suggests that meaningful change requires a clear understanding of what is already in operation, substantial skill development, and adequate resources for the duration of the change cycle. Rather than prescribing a single route to success, the guide offers examples of different evaluation experiences, describes possible evaluation courses, and, in separate chapters, offers five keys to effective evaluation: teachers, evaluators, performance data, feedback, and context. A subsequent chapter examines the important attributes of these keys in more detail. The guide concludes by offering two scenarios for success and a discussion on evaluating existing evaluation procedures, improving the teacher evaluation environment, and upgrading evaluation skills. An appendix includes a teacher evaluation experience questionnaire and a questionnaire for evaluators' self-examination. (IW)

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