Teaching Writing in the Content Areas: Elementary School

Teaching Writing in the Content Areas: Elementary School
Teaching Writing in the Content Areas
Education / Teaching / Subjects / Language Arts
National Education Association
Susan Jane Tchudi, Stephen Tchudi


The first in a series on content area writing instruction, this booklet is intended for elementary school teachers who have taught writing, but who want to move into content writing topics and for teachers who are novices at teaching writing but who think content writing instruction might be an important skill to teach their students. The three sections of the booklet demonstrate how content area instruction can be integrated into existing curricula, enhancing instruction rather than being a separate component. The first section offers some basic principles and procedures that show how to start content writing in the classroom. The second section offers specific model units and lessons. The third section, concerned with applications and extensions, shows teachers how to move beyond the sample lessons to develop specific materials for their own classrooms and include a discussion of evaluation and grading of content area writing. (HTH)

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