An updated and practical approach to research concepts, techniques, and sources from the 4th edition.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.
Sharing Sounds: Musical Experiences with Young Children
Vol 1. Part I, The band conductor as a music teacher (in theory) : Ch. 1, Why we wrote this book / Larry Blocher -- Ch. 2, What materials are...
(Educational Piano). This classic fairy tale in musical form is based on the well-known story from "Grimm's Fairy Tales" and was written originally by German composer Engelbert Humperdinck. This arrangement...
(Music Sales America). This guitar workbook covers every aspect of bluegrass playing, from simple accompaniment to advanced instrumentals. Over 30 bluegrass and traditional songs are included in the styles of...
Enriched by examples from actual teaching experience, Teaching for Musical Understanding is an exciting new look at the practice of teaching music. Drawing on current learning theory, the text shows...
Highlights of the repertoire include new works from all periods: more contrasting virelais, ballades, and other chansons from the fourteenth through the sixteenth centuries; large-scale choral works, including Gabrieli's In...
Music Performance Practice in the Early ʻAbbāsid Era 132-320 A.H./750-932 A.D.
Designed for prospective teachers without extensive music backgrounds, this market-leading text provides both a thorough overview of the basic elements of music and a clear sequence of instructional steps that...