Provides information about the people, places, and events that contributed to the development of the Laos in dictionary format.
Cronon , William . Changes in the Land : Indians , Colonists , and the Ecology of New England . New York : Hill & Wang , 1983 . Crosby , Alfred W. The Columbian Exchange : Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492. Westport , Conn .
Essex, U.K.: Pearson Education, Ltd, . Harris, R., Griffin, T., and Williams, P., eds. Sustainable Tourism a Global Perspective. Oxford, U.K.: Butterworth–Heinemann, . Lewis, B. “Over Here: Holidaymakers in Britain.
Michael S. Bisson , S. Terry Childs , Philip de Barros , and Augustin F. C. Holl , Ancient African Metallurgy : The Socio - Cultural Context ( Walnut Creek , Calif .: AltaMira Press , 2000 ) . Moses I. Finley , The Ancient Economy ...
Thomas McIlwraith ( later knighted ) , a prominent Queensland rancher and investor , became treasurer and premier of the colonial government in January 1879. He forcefully advocated internal settlement and railroad construction , and at ...
Man - shik , 101 Chaebol , 21-22 , 207 Chang , - Ms. , 149 Chang , Myon , 7 , 118 Chang , Tok - su , 6,90 Chang , Yong - hak , 101 Changjin Reservoir ( 1950 ) , 22 , 53 , 56 , 170 , 185 , 203 , 209 Chanteloup , Maurice , 149 Cheju ...
Having arrived four days previously at Tampa Bay from New Orleans with a relief force, Major General Gaines strikes inland with 1,000 men and a 6-pounder to reinforce Clinch in central Florida. After departing Fort King on 26 February, ...
八卦、虛偽、爭風吃醋,女人總是為難女人, 宮鬥劇的女性友誼刻板印象,有超過2000年的歷史, 不過,這是因為女人天性如此? 還是過去的發言權都掌握在男性手上? ...
... by Brig Gen Sir James E Edmonds Italy , 1915-19 1 vol by Brig Gen Sir James E Edmonds and others Macedonia 2 vols by Capt Cyril Falls Mesopotamia 4 vols by Brig Gen F Moberly Togoland and the Cameroons , 1914-16 1 vol by Brig Gen.
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The world history book to define all others, this visual encyclopedia of world events is a classic in the making--and a favorite of history buffs everywhere. No other volume offers...