Following the format of the original edition ( LJ 11/15/81), Foster divides his bibliography into two major sections. Part 1 (General References) moves hierarchically from broad literary topics to specific genres and periods. The much larger Part 2 (Authors) expands coverage from the 50 writers included in the earlier edition to 83, with each selection based on the existence of ``significant academic literary scholarship'' (excluding dissertations and theses) about them. The number of entries--all unannotated--per writer ranges from a few to several hundred, with increased emphasis on pre-20th century authors. Most citations are in Spanish. The format is clear and straightforward, though greater publication data on lesser-known journals cited would have been welcome. Highly recommended for collections serving research needs in the field.
Viaje al silencio: exploraciones del discurso Barroco (Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1998), 67. 5 Sarah Lawall and Maynard Mack, eds., The Norton Anthology of World Literature. Volume D: 1650–1800, 2nd ed.
This book is of pivotal importance to the development of Mexican writing and will serve as an invaluable reference for specialists and students alike.
Scholars and students in fields such as Latin American studies, comparative literature and literary theory will find in this book compelling readings of literature from a theoretical perspective, methodological suggestions as to how to use ...
The Uses of Failure in Mexican Literature and Identity encompasses five centuries of thought, including the works of the Conquistador Bernal Díaz del Castillo, whose sixteenth-century True History of the Conquest of New Spain formed ...
Strategic Occidentalism examines the transformation, in both aesthetics and infrastructure, of Mexican fiction since the late 1970s.
When We Arrive integrates Early American Studies and Chicano/a Studies into a comparative cultural framework by using the Puritan connection to shed new light on dominant images of Chicano/a narrative, such as Aztl‡n and the borderlands.
The successful dissemination of Paz's portrayal in the modern period can be gauged by its use in popular books destined for foreign consumption, such as Irene Nicholson's The X in Mexico. Nicholson uses Paz's essay to substantiate her ...
In addition to his own readings of the works, Calderón also includes the writers' perspectives on their place in American/Mexican literature through excerpts from their personal papers and interviews, correspondence, and e-mail exchanges ...
English ] Pedro Páramo / by Juan Rulfo ; photographs by Josephine Sacabo ; translated by Margaret Sayers Peden ; p . cm . - ( Wittliff Gallery series ; Texas Pan American literature in translation series ) ISBN 0-292-77121-5 ( hardcover ...
Zamora, Mexico: Colegio de Michoacán, 1992.703–18. Print. Meyer, Jean with Federico Anaya ... México, DF: Random House Mondadori, 2011. Print. ———. ... Nocturno en que todo se oye: José Revueltas ante la crítica. México, DF: Era, 1999.