Written by noted British film journalist Tony Earnshaw, An Actor and a Rare One: Peter Cushing as Sherlock Holmes follows the career of Peter Cushing, one of England's finest actors, as he works his way up from regional theater to the role of the world's most famous detective. This book details Cushing's career as Holmes through anecdotes and reminiscences as told by his colleagues and Cushing himself.
In a poignant, dramatic memoir, Billie Holiday tells not only of her rise to fame as a blues singer, but also of the exploitation and racial prejudice she encountered as well as of her struggle with heroin addiction.
... Judy , 343 Knight , Fuzzy , 283 Koehler , Ted , 28 Kristofferson , Kris , 354 , 369 , 370 Krupa , Gene , 146 Jackson , Jeanette , 200 Jackson , Mahalia , 30 , 75 , 198 , 199– 203 , 205–12 , 265 , 276 , 320 , 325 , 326 , 364 Jagger ...
Edward Hudlin maintains that the book follows very closely the structure of the heroic myth as outlined by Joseph Campbell ... Carol Pearson and Katherine Pope look at Dorothy's adventures from a mythological and feminist perspective.19 ...
... II , 93 Kolb , Keith , I , 198 Korda , Alexander , II , 69 Kosloff , Theodore , I , 76 ; II , 76 Kotero , Apollonia , II , 93 Kramer , Stanley , I , 128 , 136 , 187 ; II , 161 Krantz , Jacob , see Cortez , Ricardo Kristofferson ...
4.21.65 ABC Owen Marshall , Counselor at Law ep Warlock at Mach 3 ; 1.16.72 ABC The FBI ep A Game of Chess 11.5.72 ABC NABORS , JIM Andy Griffith Show ep The Bank Job 12.24.62 CBS Andy Griffith Show ep Man in a Hurry 1.14.63 CBS Andy ...
(Amadeus). In this first of three volumes, Paul Jackson begins a rich and detailed history of the early years of the Metropolitan Opera broadcasts, bringing to life more than 200 recorded broadcasts.
Norman Holdsworth Charles Drake Dr. Grant Grant Mitchell Detective Lt. Egan Patrick O'Moore Nora Grant Ann Shoemaker Robert Freston Frank Wilcox Phillips Edwin Stanley Detective Lt. Workman James Flavin Mrs. Allman Mary Servoss With ...
128 See John Walton Tyrer , Historical Survey of Holy Week : Its Services and Ceremonial , Alcuin Club Collections 29 ( London : Oxford University Press , 1932 ) , esp . 58 ; and see also this occasion was important for other reasons ...
... 98 Gods Must Be Crazy , The ( Uys ) , 174 Goldberg , Whoopi , 165 , 174 Goldblum , Jeff , 186 Golden Globe Awards ... 58 , 183 Hale , Alan , 3 Hall , Angela , 165 Hammett , Dashiell , 199 Hand That Rocks the Cradle , The ( Hanson ) ...
This, the first book-length study of Hong Kong cult director Wong Kar-wai, provides an overview of his career and in-depth analyses of his seven feature films to date.