An expert in world conflicts, Jones brings the sounds and sights of battle to life, detailing each charge, the evolution of battle tactics, and the importance of diplomacy for both sides. In these two volumes Terry Jones provides impressively clear coverage of the underlying economic causes, the progressively divisive political developments, the outbreak of the war itself, and, finally, the military campaigns year-by-year and battle-by-battle. He clarifies complex issues as he explains the various factions, their interests, and their hidden agendas. From the hopelessly impotent Congressional votes to the spilling of blood on the battlefield, Jones makes this period of American history compelling reading. Extensively cross-referenced; includes a substantial bibliography; illustrated with maps and
Acknowledgments I want to give special thanks for support and assistance to: Jane Guthrie, John Auchter, and Kathleen Leighton, who read and helped with portions of the xvi manuscript. Rollins College, for leave time and generous ...
The King comes from the Chetris caste , and the ruling family of Rana is Chetris as well . The caste system has dominated Nepal since the seventh century , when it is believed that the ruling caste from India fled a Muslim invasion to ...
Provides brief biographies of business executives, ambassadors, athletes, writers, lawyers, journalists, activists, politicians, scientists, artists, and educators
Explores Jung's psychological concepts regarding the nature, function and importance of man's symbols as they appear on both the conscious and subconscious level
"These volumes will explain how Rwandans, Mayans, and Uzbeks live; and characteristics of Hmong Americans, Choctaws, Iroquois, and Ojibwas are described.
DRINKING CAREERS : A 25 - YEAR STUDY OF THREE NAVAJO POPULATIONS Stephen J. Kunitz & Jerrold E. Levy Illus . 296 pp . Yale University Press , 1994. ... DREAM QUEST : STORIES FROM SPIRIT BAY Amy J. Cooper Grades 3 to 7. Illus . 128 pp .
The sociology of education is a rapidly expanding area within sociology and in educational studies generally, and cuts across many other disciplines. The area is also often defined as the...
The American South is a geographical entity, a historical fact, a place in the imagination, and the homeland of an array of Americans who consider themselves southerners. The region is...
Review of the previous edition: "A model of excellence in the art of reference volume publishing... Every public and school library... should acquire this treasure. It will remain the...
Intended for individuals who want to start, strengthen, or revitalize a group to address a community issue, this indispensable guide includes a series of practical steps that help build a...