'What if teachers were owners, not employees?' Teacher-ownership is a revolutionary way to put excitement and meaning back into the teaching profession and to revitalize public education. This book demonstrates how being an owner rather than an employee can give teachers control of their professional activity, including full responsibility and accountability for creating and sustaining high performing learning communities. It presents examples of teacher-ownership in practice and provides practical models for those who would like to experience the professional satisfaction found in ownership. Like doctors, lawyers, and other professionals, teachers have the same opportunity to work for themselves through ownership of professional partnerships. In a professional partnership, the teachers are the leaders and decision-makers. They control their own work and their own relationships to students, including determining curriculum, setting the budget, choosing the level of technology available to students, determining their own salaries, selecting their colleagues, monitoring performance and hiring administrators to work for them, not vice versa.
In S. E. Warren & A. Rogers - Warren ( Eds . ) , Teaching functional language . Baltimore : University Park Press . Hart , B. M. , & Rogers - Warren , A. K. ...
Universities and Innovation: Meeting the Challenge
5 ¢ Martha S. White Psychological and Social Barriers to Women in Science 15 ¢ Matina Horner Why Bright Women Fail . ... Sylvia Hartman Princess Valium Meets Shrinkthink : Sexism in Psychiatry 10 ¢ Sylvia Hartman Should Wives Work ?
Teaching Thinking
System Leadership for Innovation in Education
OU inom det nordamerikanska skolväsendet: en rapport från projekten SIAu och SABO med kommentarer av Matthew Miles och Michael Fullan
Papers presented at a national seminar on Innovative trends in education, held at Bangalore during 5-6 May 2012.
Redesigning America's Schools: A Systems Approach to Improvement
This book examines six diverse grassroots innovation movements in India, South America and Europe, situating them in their particular dynamic historical contexts.
11 Aspectos sociales . Tecnología y sociedad La tecnología como construcción social Antes de la invención del reloj , el tiempo era lo que se tardaba en ejecutar una tarea o el devenir continuo entre dos “ posiciones ” del Sol en el ...