The Board-Savvy Superintendent's is a practical, survive-and-thrive book that will help school district leaders - board members, superintendents, and senior administrators - learn to work together successfully in these challenging times. Filled with detailed, thoroughly tested guidance on how to acquire the skills and knowledge that make up board savvyness, it also addresses how to develop the school board's capacity to produce truly high-impact governance and how to build a strong, enduring, productive board-superintendent working partnership. The authors take a fresh look at the process of governing, going well beyond the old-fashioned, control-focused "policy governance" approach. Rather than being preoccupied with developing a static structure of policies to distinguish the board's role from the superintendent's, the book describes how the board and superintendent can creatively work together in making decisions about such critical governing "products" as values, vision, mission, and strategic change initiatives.
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Meaningful learning with technology / by David Jonassen ... [ et al . ] . ... 30 ; David Buffington / Getty Images , Inc. - Photodisc , p . ... 99 ; Pearson Learning Photo Studio , p .
New York : Simon & Schuster Custom Publishing , 1988/1996 . Delgago , R. , and Stefancic , J. ( eds . ) . Critical White Studies : Looking Behind the Mirror . Philadelphia : Temple University Press , 1997 .
Describes the practice and benefits of using students as teachers. Explores different types of peer teaching, strategies for academic planning, specific peer groups, evaluation studies, and the psychological merits of peer teaching.
Mark Hopkins developed an enviable reputation as the very exemplar of the gifted educator , and faculty members of the stature of Arthur Latham Perry '52 ( 18531911 ) , John Bascom '49 ( 1852-74 , 1887-1911 ) , G. Stanley Hall '67 ...
This facilitator's guide gives staff developers all the tools they need for planning and leading training events to help educators create successful and sustainable high-performing schools.
For example , an especially useful theoretical model for Workshop leaders is Perry's ( 1968 ) description of the intellectual and personal development of college students . This theory , originally developed at Harvard in the 1950s ...
The president of the American Educational Research Association , Lauren Resnick , has gathered a number of studies underscoring this , including Jean Lave's 1977 look at tailoring apprenticeships in Liberia .
Total Quality Education: Profiles of Schools That Demonstrate the Power of Deming's...
In the book, Joseph Murphy and Lynn G Beck provide a clear understanding of the organizational form, operating characteristics and outcomes of School-Based Management (SBM) in the United States.