This reference tracks the development of speculative fiction influenced by the advancement of science and the idea of progress from the eighteenth century to the present day. The major authors and publications of the genre and significant subgenres are covered. Additionally there are entries on fields of science and technology which have been particularly prolific in provoking such speculation. The list of acronyms and abbreviations, the chronology covering the literature from the 1700s through the present, the introductory essay, and the dictionary entries provide science fiction novices and enthusiasts as well as serious writers and critics with a wonderful foundation for understanding the realm of science fiction literature. The extensive bibliography that includes books, journals, fanzines, and websites demonstrates that science fiction literature commands a massive following.
For example, numerous novels conjecture possible alternative paths that might have been taken by history had the South won the Civil War—as in Ward Moore's Bring the Jubilee (1953) or MacKinlay Kantor's If the South Had Won the Civil ...
Campbell's novella Who Goes There? (1938). Shifting the action of the first film from the Arctic to Antarctica (and thus placing it in an even more remote and forbidding environment), The Thing once again tells the story of a remote ...
From Narnia to a Space Odyssey: The War of Ideas between Arthur C. Clarke and C. S Lewis. Ed. by Ryder W. Miller. iBooks, 2003. Hollow, John. Against the Night, the Stars: The Science Fiction ofArthur C. Clarke. Harcourt Brace, 1983.
In Teaching the Gothic, edited by Anna Powell and Andrew Smith, 29-47. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2006. ... 1: 109-11. "Horrid” (Northanger) Novels Glock, Waldo S. ”Catherine Morland's Gothic Delusions: Bibliography 287.
Doyle, Arthur Conan. The Lost World and Other Stories. Wordsworth Editions Limited, 1995. Doyle, Debra, and James D. Macdonald. By Honor Betray'd. Tor, 1994. Dozois, Gardner, ed. The Good New Stuff. St. Martin's, 1999. ___, ed.
In International Companion Encyclopedia of Children's Literature, 2nd ed., ed. Peter Hunt, 1174–83. London: Routledge, 2004. Kreyder, Laura. “Italy.” In International Companion Encyclopedia of Children's Literature, 2nd ed., ed.
Once upon a time all literature was fantasy, set in a mythical past when magic existed, animals talked, and the gods took an active hand in earthly affairs. As the...
The dictionary section has over 600 cross-referenced entries on authors, books, and genres. This book is an excellent access point for students, researchers, and anyone wanting to know more about this important topic.
Downey, Susan B. Mesopotamian Religious Architecture: Alexander through the Parthians. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1988. Frankfort, Henri. The Art and Architecture of the Ancient Orient. New Haven, Conn.
In 1971 and 1972, Robbe-Grillet collaborated with British photographer David Hamilton to produce the erotic Réves de jeunes filles (Dreams of a Young Girl, 1980) and Les Demoiselles d'Hamilton (Sisters, 1980).