Streamlining Library Services: What We Do, how Much Time it Takes, what it Costs, how We Can Do it Better

Streamlining Library Services: What We Do, how Much Time it Takes, what it Costs, how We Can Do it Better
Library administration
Rowman & Littlefield
Richard M. Dougherty


Despite technological advances, many basic library activities still lend themselves to analysis and improvement. Richard M. Dougherty provides numerous examples and easy-to-apply tools and techniques to assess what libraries are doing, how they are doing it, and how much time is required to do it. These tools include block diagrams, check sheets, flow process charts, work-flow diagrams, flow charts, through-put analysis, self-administered diary studies, and work sampling. Specific examples from all areas of library operations are presented. Streamling Library Services provides detailed information on how to diagnose problem areas with such tools as Pareto and fishbone charts; use brainstorming; organize a work-flow study; and build and present cost studies. Special emphasis is placed on activities that should occur after the analysis is concluded, including data analysis, reporting study results, and making recommendations to management. Guidelines are provided for managers and staff as they strive to streamline activities. Topics include implementation issues and strategies that must be addressed as new workflows and services are introduced and organizational change issues and strategies for building staff support toward change. Book jacket.

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