"The period from the beginning of World War I to the end of World War II was one of the most significant in the history of the United States. Twice the nation was drawn into "foreign entanglements" - wars it initially thought were of no concern and therefore tried to steer clear of - only to realize it could not stand aside. With each war, the United States geared up in record time, entered the fray, and was crucial to the outcome. Each tested the American people and their leaders, and in each case the country came out of the conflagration stronger than before and emerged as a world leader." "Historical Dictionary of U.S. Diplomacy from World War I through World War II relates the events of this crucial period in U.S. history through a chronology. an introductory essay, and more than 600 cross-referenced dictionary entries on key people, places, events, institutions. and organizations." --Book Jacket.