The Progressive Era, the period in the United States between 1898 and 1917, was a time of great social, political, and industrial change. Following the Spanish-American War of 1898, an event that signaled the emergence of the United States as a great power, the country soon was involved in its first overseas guerrilla war, in the Philippines. Vast changes in communications and transportation, immigration and migration patterns, social mores, gender roles, family structure, class structure, work patterns, business methods, education, intellectual life, religion, the professions, technology, science, medicine, and much else were transforming the scope and feel of people's lives and relationships. In many ways what happened in this era set the agenda for the rest of the 20th century. The Historical Dictionary of the Progressive Era is the most comprehensive and coherent reference work on the Progressive Era. Through its chronology, introductory essay, bibliography, appendixes, and hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries on the key events, people, organizations, and ideas of the period, this resource is a lively, complete, and accessible overview of this significant era.
Buenker and Kantowicz have edited an excellent, handy reference guide to one of the most important, and certainly one of the most written about, eras of American history. Including entries...
Duncan - Clark , Samuel John . ( 1913 , 1972 ) . The Progressive Movement : Its Principles and Its Programme . New York : AMS Press . Eisenach , Eldon J. ( 1994 ) . The Last Promise of Progressivism . Lawrence : University of Kansas ...
See also Brewing industry Beffel,J. M.: 169 Beggs,John I.: 154 Belgians: 181, 412—413 Belgium: 508, 559 Belle City Malleable Iron Company: 103 Beloit: and depression of 1893-1897, 12, 14; annexes farmland, 27; milk production, 53; ...
Browder, Clifford. The Money Game in Old New York: Daniel Drew and His Times. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1986. Carosso, Vincent P. The Morgans: Private International Bankers, 1854–1913. Cambridge, Mass.
JONES, MARY HARRIS “MOTHER” (1837–1930). ... Elected Toledo's mayor as a Republican in 1899, Jones supported parks and playgrounds, public bath houses, kindergartens and other education reforms, municipal ownership of utilities, ...
Covers all the people, events, movements, subjects, court cases, inventions, and more that defined the Gilded Age.
Offers an introduction to American history between 1890 and the beginning of the First World War that addresses such issues as the emergence of the progressive movement, the expanded role of government, the measures implemented to bring ...
Daniel E. Saros explores the institutional and economic conditions of this time, revealing new insight into the regulated nature of industry and the conditions of labor.
Contains more than 350 alphabetically arranged entries on the development of American elementary and secondary education.
( 1972 ) ; David Nasaw , Schooled to Order : A Social History of Public Schooling in the United States ( 1979 ) ; Clarence J. Karier , The Individual , Society , and Education : A History of American Educational Ideas , 2nd ed .