Over 500 cross-referenced dictionary entries are contained in this reference, covering everything from ethno-historical entries to those on culinary favorites and personalities. A chronology, an introductory essay, appendixes, and a bibliography complement the dictionary entries, enhancing the authoritative and up-to-date information provided.
Singapore: The Pregnable Fortress is a detailed work, as is Colin Smith's Singapore Burning. My own bibliography of the Malayan Campaign and the Japanese Occupation lists 4,262 items published up to 2001. Lee Kuan Yew's two-volume ...
This second edition has been thoroughly updated and expanded to cover the events that have occurred in Indonesia's history in the past fifteen years.
Edited by Thomas J. S. Carlson and Luisa Maffi, 235–62. New York: New York Botanical Garden, 2004. ———. The Political Ecology of Yao (Dzao) Landscape Transformations: Territory, Gender and Livelihood Politics in Highland Vietnam.
In 1833, during the presidency of Andrew Jackson, Edmund Roberts concluded a Treaty of Amity and Commerce between the United States and Siam. This was the first US. treaty with an Asian state. In 1849, American envoy Joseph Balestier ...
Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1984– . Triannual. Journal of Southeast Asian History. Singapore: Department of History, University of Singapore, 1960–1969. Biannual. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies.
This is done through a list of acronyms and abbreviations, a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, black and white photos, maps, and over 500 cross-referenced dictionary entries covering Tamil history from the megalithic age to ...
Eight hundred entries, thoroughly cross-referenced, cover people, places, organizations, terms, and products associated with Asia's third largest country (in both population and area). Supplementing material includes a brief introduction, a...
This book uses its chronology; glossary; introduction; appendixes; maps; bibliography; and over 900 hundred cross-referenced dictionary entries on important persons, places, events and institutions, as well as significant political, ...
The Historical Dictionary of the Philippines, Third Edition contains a chronology, an introductory essay, an extensive bibliography, and several hundred cross-referenced dictionary entries.
Entries in this dictionary highlight and trace Singapore's history from a legendary past and its modern founding in 1819 to its evolution to its emergence as a post-war battleground of...