The Historical Dictionary of Norway supplies a wealth of information that illuminates Norway's remarkable history, society, and culture. This is done through a chronology, a bibliography, an introductory essay, appendixes, and over 250 cross-referenced dictionary entries covering events and individuals of historical, political, social, and cultural significance. Both past and present political parties are discussed, major economic sectors are described, and basic economic facts are provided. Several entries describe the history and attractions of major Norwegian cities, and Norway's role in the international community is detailed as well providing a full portrait of this vibrant country.
This is accomplished through a list of acronyms, a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and several hundred cross-referenced dictionary entries, which together make this reference the most comprehensive and up to date work of ...
In his introduction, Einar Haugen, a revered scholar and teacher of Norwegian to English speakers, provides a concise overview of the history of the language, presents the pronunciation of contemporary Norwegian, and introduces basic ...
COSTER-WALDAU, NIKOLAJ (1970– ). Handsome Danish actor who graduated from the Danish National School of Theater in 1993. CosterWaldau got his breakthrough with Ole Bornedal's thriller Nattevagten (Nightwatch, 1994), playing the student ...
D. British Isles Barnes, Michael P. “Aspects of the Scandinavian runes of the British Isles.” In Roman, Runes and Ogham, edited by John Higgitt et al., 103—11. Donington: Shaun Tyas, 2001 . . The Runic Inscriptions of Maeshowe, Orkney.
Norwegian-English dictionary of genealogical terms, prepared by John Follestad and published on his website. Downloaded with permission from Mr. Follestad by Jeri Johnson. In a 3 ring binder marked Norse-English...
Norwegian-English pronouncing and translating dictionary of modern Norwegian (Bokmål and Nynorsk).
This third edition of Historical Dictionary of Iceland contains a chronology, an introduction, and an extensive bibliography.
Favier, Franck. Bernadotte: un maréchal d'empire sur le trône de Suède. Paris: Ellipses, 2010. 395pp. Findeisen, Jörg-Peter. Jean Baptiste Bernadotte: Revolutionsgeneral, Marschall Napoleons, König von Schweden und Norwegen.
LAW Aaron, Thomas J., The Control of Police Discretion: The Danish Experience. ... Berlin, Knud Kugelberg, Denmark's Right to Greenland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands in Relation to Norway and Denmark. ... Civil Procedure in Denmark.
... make a fresh ~ begynne pa nytt/pa et nytt blad; 2 for|del, -sprang; they had a ~ of/over us de hadde et forsprang/overtak pa oss; 3 rykk; sett, stokk; byfits and ~s i rykk og napp; II vb 1 starte; begynne (og begynne med/pa); ...