Kenya has a long and complex history that began thousands of years ago. Indeed, some archaeologists contend that the country was the "cradle of mankind" or, at the very least, one of the places that was home to the earliest hominids. In later centuries, Kenya's strategic location astride the Indian Ocean and the East African littoral attracted numerous foreign peoples, some of the most significant of which have been the Americans, Arabs, British, Chinese, French, Germans, and Portuguese. Additionally, Africans from throughout the subcontinent have settled in Kenya to escape conflict or political persecution, while others wanted an opportunity to begin a new life. As a result of being a gateway to the world, the country traditionally has been one of the most important business, cultural, diplomatic, and political centers in Africa. Although it has maintained this reputation during the post-independence period, Kenya, like most African countries, has been plagued by an increasing array of complex economic, political, and social problems. This third edition of Historical Dictionary of Kenya provides a starting point for those interested in any of the phases of Kenya's historical evolution. This is done through a chronology, an introductory essay, appendixes, and an extensive bibliography. The dictionary section has 500 cross-referenced entries on important personalities, politics, economy, foreign relations, religion, and culture. This book is an excellent access point for students, researchers, and anyone wanting to know more about Kenya.
The United Republic of Tanzania is a rare phenomenon in Africa, the result of a merger between the former British colony of Tanganyika and the island republic of Zanzibar. While...
Duffield, Mark, and John Prendergast. Without Troops and Tanks: Humanitarian Intervention in Ethiopia and ... Gorman, Robert F. Conflict in the Horn of Africa. New York: Praeger, 1981. —. “Prospects for Reconciliation in the Horn of ...
Women's Mental Health in Africa. Binghamton, NY: Haworth, 1990. Rowley, Chishamiso. “Challenges to Effective Maternal Health Care Delivery: The Case of Traditional and Certified Nurse Midwives in Zimbabwe.” Journal of Asian and African ...
The fourth edition of the Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Cameroon has been updated to reflect advances in the study of Cameroon's history as well as to provide coverage of the years since the last edition.
This second edition of Historical Dictionary of Rwanda contains a chronology, an introduction, appendixes, and an extensive bibliography.
Tindall, Benjamin Arthur. The Journal of Joseph Tindall, Missionary in South West Africa 1839–1855. Cape Town: The Van Riebeeck Society, 1959. UNAIDS. A Report ofa Theological Workshop Focusing on HIV- and AIDSRelated Stigma.
In basketball, Hakeem Olajuwon made National Basketball Association history in the United States, and in soccer, the Super Eagles captain, Jay-Jay Okoch, earned fame as Player of Year from the Confederation of African Football in 2003 ...
Historical Dictionary of Uganda, Second Edition, covers the history of Uganda using a chronology, an introductory essay, appendixes, and a bibliography.
The earliest people who lived in Southern Africa were hunter-gatherers. They were widely dispersed across the subcontinent in a variety of habitats, with the exception of thickly forested areas. Their lifestyle has often been ...
The volume will cover all aspects of Somalia, providing useful information about the country in a comprehensive manner. The book also reflects on the contributions of the Somali sources on history and culture.