Encyclopedia of 20th Century Architecture

Encyclopedia of 20th Century Architecture
Architecture / History / General
H.N. Abrams
Gerd Hatje, Wolfgang Pehnt


This book is an expanded and completely revised edition of Abrams' Encyclopedia of Modern Architecture, published in 1964. With more than 350 entries, this handy new [1986] reference work covers the field of 20th-century architecture on a worldwide sale. Biographies of individual architect and firms include the work of the present generation, such as Michael Graves, Renzo Piano, Frank Gehry, Charles Moore, Robert Stern, and Hans Hollein, adding them to those of such earlier architects as Antoni Gaudi, Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Louis Sullivan. Lengthy articles cover countries of the world where substantial contributions have been made to building innovations. Architectural associations, groups, and movements are dealt with, and stylistic changes from Art Nouveau to Post-Modernism are described. Every page is illustrated with photographs, drawings, and plans of buildings, more than 450 in all, which greatly enhance the reader's enjoyment and understanding ..."--

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