An essential collection of the author's poetry is newly expanded and annotated, with essays by Richard Sieburth, T. S. Eliot and John Berryman. Original.
Represents David Ferry's poetry and his translations of other poems by Holderlin, Goethe, Montale, Catullus, a Babylonian hymn, Ronsard, Guillen, Baudelaire, Rilke, Goliardic, Gilgamesh, the odes of Horace, the eclogues of Virgil, and two ...
"A selection of Cole's award-winning poetry and translations together with new poems"--
There isn't a misstep on a single page... let what's there wash over you with its beauty.--Ted Kooser
Sam Hamill is that rare figure whose life is continually in dialogue with the rich and diverse tradition of poetry, whether that dialogue takes the form of translating the work...
This edition replaces Ezra Pound's Selected Poems 1908-1969, and offers a revaluation of the poetry by conjoining early and late works within a new overview.
Poetry. Translation. "A poet of exquisite formal control, Henry Weinfield writes lyrical and narrative poems that have a rich, sad music for which the ear and the heart hunger"--Kevin Hart....
Emerson’s incomparable brilliance as a prose writer has often overshadowed his remarkable gifts as a poet. Gathering both published and unpublished work, this Library of America edition makes available for...
This volume, which includes poems from more than forty poets from all over the world, is testimony to a life dedicated to the pursuit of beauty through poetry in different languages.
Ciaran Carson's shape-changing genius shines across the volumes included in From There to Here: Selected Poems and Translations.
This collection, which features one of the first French lesbian sonnets as well as reproductions of l’Aubespine’s poetic translations of Ovid and Ariosto, will be heralded by students and scholars in literature, history, and women’s ...