Conjuring slavery and witchcraft, and with bewitching powers all its own, Counternarratives continually spins history--and storytelling--on its head
And then the bell rang , ugly and wailing . Maybe he should have used that sound as ... The bell first thing in the morning and the train last thing at night . ... G for Georgie and H for Harry , I for Imran , for Jack , K for Kirsty .
White Wings: Collected Short Stories
E.Annie Proulx is the universally acclaimed author of Postcards and The Shipping News.
Philippa Pearce takes ordinary incidents and objects of everyday life and invests them with a power that overwhelms, threatens and disturbs.
Jorge Esposito Dr. William Evans Sean Goldman Michelle Goldstein Mrs. Ronald Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jacoby Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kincaid The names brought faces with them , faces he hadn't realized he knew .
Boasting 100 science fiction and fantasy stories, this jam-packed anthology is guaranteed to thrill, amuse and delight the reader. Experience 100 Worlds. Dare you go where no man has gone before?
Short Stories of Robert E. Howard: Civilized Men are More Discourteous Than Savages Because They Know They Cam be Impolite...
It's the hit HBO show from the 21st century, True Detective, that has brought Robert W. Chambers' 1895 book of "weird" stories back into the mainstream public eye for the first time in 120 years; but those in the know have been aware of The ...
The Client
From unicorn hunters and teenage exorcists to Egyptian princesses and aspiring ballerinas, this collection of thirteen stories by some of the most exciting authors in Young Adult fiction explores young love and new beginnings during the ...