Now in paperback, a bewitching collection of stories and novellas that are “suspenseful, thought-provoking, mystical, and haunting” (Publishers Weekly) Ranging from the seventeenth century to the present, and crossing multiple continents, Counternarratives draws upon memoirs, newspaper accounts, detective stories, and interrogation transcripts to create new and strange perspectives on our past and present. “An Outtake” chronicles an escaped slave’s take on liberty and the American Revolution; “The Strange History of Our Lady of the Sorrows” presents a bizarre series of events that unfold in Haiti and a nineteenth-century Kentucky convent; “The Aeronauts” soars between bustling Philadelphia, still-rustic Washington, and the theater of the U. S. Civil War; “Rivers” portrays a free Jim meeting up decades later with his former raftmate Huckleberry Finn; and in “Acrobatique,” the subject of a famous Edgar Degas painting talks back.
Using a critical race theory framework and a unique "counternarrative" methodology, American Indian Education explores a host of modern educational issues facing American Indian peoples—from the impact of Indian sports mascots on students ...
... THAT ISN'T THERE Paranoia in the Ninetenth-Century American Novel Mike Davis RACIAL BLASPHEMIES Religious Irreverence and Race in American Literature Michael L.Cobb ETHICAL DIVERSIONS The Post-Holocaust Narratives of Pynchon, Abish, ...
of the story , serving its function as inhibition or dissociation only in relation to the narrative's ultimate end ... Comprised of perversions , foreplay leads to the proper play of confluence and discharge ; without perverse foreplay ...
This book documents the lived experiences of women of color academics who have leveraged their professional positions to challenge the status quo in their scholarship, teaching, service, activism, and leadership.
This book chronicles the experiences of faculty at predominantly white higher education institutions (PWI) by centering voices of racialized faculty across North America.
Disrupting Oppression in Educational Contexts Ardavan Eizadirad, Andrew B. Campbell, Steve Sider. Routledge Research in Educational Equality and Diversity Books in the series include: The Hidden Academic Curriculum and Inequality in Early ...
“ Every picture tells a story ' : Uses of the visual in sociological research . In E. S. Lyon & J. Busfield ( Eds ... Film making and ethnographic research . ... Visual methodologies : An introduction to interpreting visual objects .
This book ultimately advocates for a more honest, contextualized, and egalitarian approach to reform - one that openly addresses both individual and systemic realities.
The second concept, which is the focus of the book, builds on the first; the idea of "little stories" addressing cultural and political opposition to the "official" narratives used to manipulate public consciousness.
Discusses the history, research, and problems related to teacher education.