The vicious war on the frontier significantly altered the course of the Revolution. Regular troops, volunteers, and Indians clashed in large-scale campaigns. Bloody fights for land, home, and family. Although the American Revolution is commonly associated with specific locations such as the heights above Boston or the frozen Delaware River, important events took place in the wooded, mountainous lands of the frontier.
For more than a century and a half, from 1607 to 1763, Britain and France struggled to master the eastern half of North America.
The untold story of the “Black Boys,” a rebellion on the American frontier in 1765 that sparked the American Revolution.
Anderson , F. W. “ Why Did Colonial New Englanders Make Bad Soldiers ? Contractual Principles and Military Conduct during the ... Andre , Louis , Michel le Tellier et l'Organization de l'Armee Monarchique . Paris : Felix Alcan , 1906 .
John Heckewelder to Col. Daniel Brodhead , August 14 , 1780 , ibid . , 245 ; Summary of Letter of Col. Brodhead , September 5 , 1780 , ibid . , 271 ; “ Small raiding parties ” : Harrison , Clark and the War in the West , 91 .
The following narrative is pieced together from ''An Examination of Walter Winter'' and ''An Examination of John Winter'' in PA Archives, First Series, 1: 218–20. In the PCM, Winter's last name is ''Winters.
Tallmadge had begun to feel a warm interest in André, and as they rode their horses side by side into Tappan, when his prisoner asked how his case would probably be regarded, Tallmadge's countenance fell, and it was not until the ...
Dr. Nancy Hoffman has studied Bartram's manuscript and believes that the list of plants and birds were added to the original , possibly by the editor . Nancy Hoffman , “ The Construction of William Bartram's Narrative Natural History ...
John Cruger , Beverly Robinson , and Peter Van Brugh Livingston had the contract to provision Fort Ontario and were paymasters and commissaries to the New York militia . The Beekman family provides another example .
In vivid detail, Patrick Griffin recaptures a chaotic world of settlers, Indians, speculators, British regulars, and American and state officials vying with one another to remake the American West during its most formative period.
... side to be on was often based on the side from which the Native Americans could derive the most benefit. For the most ... choosing sides. The Lenapes lived on the Delaware River in the early 17th century, leading the colonists to give ...