A photographic guide to the common plants and animals that inhabit the intertidal zone--the area covered by water at high tide and exposed during low tide--on the Atlantic coast from Cape Canaveral, Florida, to Cape Breton, Canada.
Surveys coastal plants and invertebrates
North America C. Richard Robins, G. Carleton Ray, National Audubon Society ... Jr., David K. Nickerson, Jr., John E. Randall, Robert L. Shipp, David G. Smith, William F. Smith- Vaniz, Jon C. Staiger, and Ronald E. Thresher.
CABBAGE PALME'I'I'O Sabal palmetto Common Florida palm with rounded crown. Trunk usually crisscrossed with stumps of old leafbases. Range: Throughout Florida; hugs coastline north to Cape Hatteras. Size: To 80 ft. (24.4 m).
With some 300 crisp, vibrant color photographs and brief, precise descriptions, this field guide makes it easier than ever to identify Atlantic seashore life from Canada to Cape Cod.
This guide includes information on how to locate each species by geographic range, tidal range, tidal level, season, topography, and climate.
"--Tom Bergh, Maine Island Kayak Company This beautifully illustrated guide covers an unprecedented range of species that may be sighted along the coastline or offshore by the whale watcher, bird watcher, fisher, boating enthusiast, or ...
This pocket-sized field guide identifies plants and animals that live in the intertidal zone of the rocky coast, from Cape Cod north to the Bay of Fundy, in tide pools, caves, and crevices, and on rocks, wharves and pilings.
This guide includes information on how to locate each species by geographic range, tidal range, tidal level, season, topography, and climate.
Stephen P. Leatherman, Jack Williams ... Frequents still and slow-moving water. common green darner Common Green Darner Anax junius 28–31 E. appearance The male has a brownish green to yellowish green thorax, and slender abdomen that is ...
Each of the more than 200 listings is accompanied by full-color photographs, identification tips, habitat and range information, and a space for notes.