A nine-year-old girl recounts her experiences in Paris with postage stamps illustrating the things she saw and the experiences she had.
Was she ever with child? And, if not, why had she engaged in her cruel deception? Postmark: Paris--Destination: Unknown.
This volume covers letters written in the three years from March 1924 to March 1927.
... Mailing Envelope . Text : Mrs. James Naismith , 1635 Mass St. , Lawrence , Kans . Postmark : Paris , France . November 21 , 1917 . Condition : Ink 9 + / 10 , envelope VG . LOA from PSA / DNA . Opening Bid : $ 750 MCA 19126 MARKED 1440 ...
... postmark . " Paris , " it clearly said , and I noted there was no return address . What the young woman in the American Express office had told me , and what the letter reconfirmed , was what I already knew . Jocelyn had not in fact ...
... Postmark Paris La Boetie, letterhead Plaza Athenée, 25 Avenue Montaigne, Paris, to EWW at 24 Charlbury, Oxford. Sunday, from Mother. “Betty my darling girl” Sitting at a desk writing, beautiful summer's day, ... got Mason [evidently a ...
The correspondence between literary giant Ernest Hemingway and his friend and informal agent A. E. Hotchner is presented in this collection of letters, cables, and cards that provide much valuable information about Hemingway's late career.
203n , 218 , 224n 169n , 17in , 183 , 188n , 197 , Fitzgerald , Henry Gerald 88 , 95 , 104 , 204-5 , 206 , 207n , 34on , 405n , 107 423 , 437n Fitzgerald , Margaret , Maria and Harriet as artist and writer 167-8 , 190 , 193 , 8on , 84 ...
An eminent textual scholar who has contributed to this edition in significant ways is G. Thomas Tanselle , Textual Editor of The Writings of Herman Melville ( a critical edition in fifteen volumes and a foremost authority on editorial ...
... postmark Paris, 14h.15, 30 Juin 1958. Staring ahead, her arm resting on the ship's rail, she let her fingers loosen – as if unconsciously – their grip on the crumpled paper, and it fluttered down into the waters of the harbour. In a ...
Birth, biographies, subjects, countries, bibliography.