... Captain Roy E. Estes and Officer Robert Keller ( Richmond Police Department ) ; Chief George Tielsch , Captain Clarence Hansen , and Captain Eugene McCarthy ( Santa Monica Police Department ) ; Major Robert Knight , Chief Bernard ...
1200萬人分享,改變全世界的【MeToo運動】! 展現女力勇氣,果敢的自我防衛 台灣每小時有1.7人成為性侵受害者 能否「爭取從兇險脫逃的關鍵一分鐘」,將決定妳的未來 ...
By this time , Betty Gardner was beside herself with Wendy's unacceptable behavior and demanded that her granddaughter immediately return home . On the evening of December 29 , 1994 , Wendy came back to her grandmother's house ...
Every year, thousands of women attempt to kick their smoking habit because it is an unhealthy, expensive addiction. And every year, thousands do not quit because of nicotine cravings and...
U.S. V. Hubbard: Prosecuting False Statements to Congress : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Crime of the Committee on the...
For courses in Introduction to Criminal Justice, Critical Issues in Criminal Justice, Ethics and Crime, Policy and Victimology, Corrections, Probation and Parole, Law Enforcement, and Sociology. Exceptionally current and complete,...
People and Folks: Gangs, Crime, and the Underclass in a Rustbelt City
While several fine texts on intelligence have been published over the past decade, there is no complementary set of volumes that addresses the subject in a comprehensive manner for the...
Exceptionally complete and more informative than any other book on organized crime and gangs, this volume explores in detail the formation of gangs worldwide, the history of the gangs' criminal...
On a frigid New Year's Eve, just twenty months after the Columbine massacre, three teenage boys carefully plotted the murder of a schoolmate and his grandparents at their mountain hideaway...