Perivascular fibrous capsules ( Glisson's capsule ) , each containing a branch ( or branches ) of the portal vein , hepatic artery , bile ductules , and lymph vessels cut across throughout the section ( cf. Fig . 2-62 ) . 2.
Still unique in the field, this text combines color photographs and full-color artwork in one convenient resource. The dissections are amazingly clear, almost 3-D in appearance, and color-coded artwork next...
Master the structure and function of the normal human brain and spinal cord with this state-of-the-art, beautifully illustrated atlas! This thoroughly updated new edition features more than 450 full-color photographs...
This comprehensive picture atlas identifies the many conditions for which visual cues significantly guide or expedite diagnosis, treatment and disposition in the emergency department. A brief accompanying text includes: description,...
From the simple to the complex, this visually stunning atlas guides you through more than 100 commonly performed emergency procedures in step-by-step detail. Each procedure includes a brief discussion of...
This brand-new book offers virtual hands-on experience to over 65 emergency procedures, allowing readers to rehearse them over again in their mind-then perform them on demand correctly. Inside, they'll find...
The most complete and trusted visual compendium of emergency medicine—extensively updated with 1500 full-color illustrations A Doody's Core Title for 2011! 4 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! "This is an excellent study...
This textbook presents a collection of visual material charting the development of the normal foetus - including 3-D photographic material. This edition includes the new classification system of staging -...
This outstanding new atlas makes it easy to interpret intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography findings for both healthy and diseased patients. A multidisciplinary team uses clinical case studies to explore the characteristic...
This Color Atlas of Anatomy features full-color photographs of actual cadaver dissections, with accompanying schematic drawings and diagnostic images. The photographs depict anatomic structures with a realism unmatched by illustrations...