In cases of epizootic S. zooepidemicus infection with widespread pneumonia, septicemias, and abscesses, the entire colony may have to be eliminated. Killed bacterins have not been effective in preventing this ... Olson LD, et al.
Neville RWJ, Weir BJ, Lazarus NR. Hystricomorph insulins. Symp Zool Soc London. 1974;34:417-433. Opazo JC, Soto-Gamboa M, Bozinovic F. Blood glucose concentration in caviomorph rodents. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol.
Harkness and Wagner's Biology and Medicine of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits
Gerbils have also been used as animal models of anxiety in the elevated plus maze and Black/White Box tests (Bridges and Starkey, 2004; Heldt et al., 2009), and to evaluate the anxiolytic ... A Petkeeper's Guide to Hamsters and Gerbils.
After nearly 20 years, the publication of this Second Edition of The Biology of the Laboratory Rabbit attests to its popularity within the scientific community as well as to the need to update an expanding database on the rabbit as a major ...
The book discusses animal medicine, experimental methods and techniques, design and management of animal facilities, and legislation on laboratory animals.
Veterinary Consult The Veterinary Consult version of this title provides electronic access to the complete content of this book.
Richter, C.P. (1954) The effects of domestication and selection on the behavior of the Norway rat. ... Suttie, A.W., Leininger, J.R., & Bradley, A.E. (2014) Boorman's Pathology of the Laboratory Rat, 2nd edn. Academic Press, New York.
Laboratory Hamsters
Veterinary Consult The Veterinary Consult version of this title provides electronic access to the complete content of this book.