Textual criticism—the traditional term for the task of evaluating the authority of the words and punctuation of a text—is often considered an undertaking preliminary to literary criticism: many people believe that the job of textual critics is to provide reliable texts for literary critics to analyze. G. Thomas Tanselle argues, on the contrary, that the two activities cannot be separated. The textual critic, in choosing among textual variants and correcting what appear to be textual errors, inevitably exercises critical judgment and reflects a particular point of view toward the nature of literature. And the literary critic, in interpreting the meaning of a work or passage, needs to be (though rarely is) critical of the makeup of every text of it, including those produced by scholarly editors.
In the case of reading b, a single article governs both nouns so that they should, according to the Granville Sharp construction, refer to the same person (see Daniel B. Wallace, Granville Sharp's Canon and Its Kin: Semantics and ...
The literary critic tends to think that the textual scholar or bibliographer has not much to say that he would care to hear, so there is a gulf between them.
Starting from a critical inquiry into certain specialized issues in the practice of editing, McGann gradually unfolds an argument for a general revaluation of the grounds of literary study as a whole.
This book represents an important departure in Gospel studies and textual criticism, providing an innovative introduction to the discipline.
A COMPANION TO THE HISTORY OF THE BOOK A COMPANION TO THE HISTORY OF THE BOOK Edited by Simon Eliot and Jonathan Rose “As a stimulating overview of the multidimensional present state of the field, the Companion has no peer.” Choice ...
In 2011 the computer programmer Aaron Swartz was indicted for downloading several million articles from the site, though he did not actually disseminate them. The Federal government went after him with the full force of the law anyway, ...
This book introduces undergraduate and beginning graduate students to the field and provides them with a broad range of examples and materials for hands-on practice. Textual Editing and Criticism: An...
Textual Criticism Since Greg: A Chronicle, 1950-2000
Starting from the same nonfoundationalist premises, Rosenblatt avoids the extreme relativism of postmodern theories derived mainly from Continental sources.
A Critique of Modern Textual Criticism, Foreword by David C Greetham